
时间:2022-12-27 10:40:52 请假条 我要投稿





Dear Mr/Ms Jiang

  I e to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I : George Chen, Accounting Department

  Date: January 22, 20xx

  Subject: Application for annual leave

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I January 25th to 31st.

  As you may knoetoe days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

  Yours ever,



Dear Director,

  I beg to apply for one’s week’s leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now serious ill. To support my application, I herewith submit the telegram received from my father last night.


  James Smith


  dear mr。 li,

  i was caught in the rain yesterday and i had a fever last night。i am really not feeling well now。 my mom will take me to see the doctor 。please excuse me for not attending school today thank you!

  li hua。



  an excuse

  written request for leave


  I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.

  我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。 He would give me a leave letter next day.

  第二天他会为我写张请假条。 excuse是什么意思:

  v. 原谅;辩解;准许...离去

  n. 辩解;借口;理由;原谅,饶恕

  He made belated excuses.

  他作了为时已晚的道歉。 Idle folks lack no excuses.

  懒汉借口多。He is great at finding excuses.

  他可真会找借口。 written是什么意思:

  adj. 书面的,成文的,文字的'

  v. write的过去分词

  There is a written protocol.

  这有一个书面草案。It is written by an obscure young poet.

  这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的。 The song is written in the key of D.

  这首歌是用D调谱写的。 request是什么意思:

  v. 要求,请求;请求给予

  n. 要求,请求,需要,需求,申请书

  function requester

  功能请求者 The medicine is requested to pestle into powder.

  这种药要研成粉末服用。These goods are in great request.



  April 16, XX

Dear Mrs. Wallis,

  I am very sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose the doctor’s certificate here and ask you for sick leave of two days.

  Yours respectfully,



Dear Mr/Ms Jiang,

  I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.

  I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there's the certificate by the doctor.

  Li Tie

  October 21st


  Dear Teacher:

  I'm sorry I have to ask for two daysoff. Because I had a bad cold yesterday. And now I have a high fever.

  I am feeling very bad.I can't study freely in class .I went to see a doctorin the hospital.He gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for two days .So I'm sorry to ask you two days leave. I hope you can ratify my ask. Thank you very much.

  Yours, Sam

  Reverent Mr.Green:

  At first please forgive my interruption. Because I don't feel up to par this morning and i must be in hospital to get the hospitalization, i couldn't come to school within following two days.I will return to school soonly as i made it.Thanks for your understanding.

  Yours, Sam





  请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。


  1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。




  假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。(20xx新疆乌鲁木齐中考题)



  Dear Miss Gao,

  I''m sorry I can''t go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''t badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days.

  Wang Li

  【点评】这是一份采用书信格式写的请假条。日期是September 28, 日期写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容大多是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写上年份;称呼是Dear Miss Gao,称呼写在左上角。请假条因是向上级请示,一般以Dear...,或My dear...,开头。有时可在Dear之后,用上Mr.或Miss等的称呼加上姓氏。不过,有一点仍要提醒大家,各种称呼后面一般都用逗号。正文谈了一件事:I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''t badly hurt. I can''t come to school. I ask for leave for two days. 简洁明了,用词口语化。写请假条只要把请假的`理由和请假时间说清楚即可。有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上I enclose a doctor''s certificate.(我附上了医生证明。);签名为Wang Li。签名(署名)写在右下角,签名(署名)上面一行可以写上Yours, Your student等字样,有时由于写条的人和收条的人彼此一般很熟悉,所以在称呼和签名上比较随便和简单。特别是在签名部分,有时可简单到只写个姓或只写个名就可以了。


  Dear Mr.xxx,

  I'm sorry to tell you that I caught a cold and I'm not feeling orroe days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

  Yours ever,



Dear Mr. Zhang, Because

  I have got a cold and high fever. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days. I will attend school as soon as possible. And you don't worry about my work, I will ask my classmates to help me with it once I am back.

  I hope my absence will not cause you any inconvenience.


  xiao Li


Dear Mr/Ms ;

  Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness.

  This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

 Yours sincerely,



  I am xxxx ( Department, such as a workshop, a store ) xxxxxx ( your name ), my hometown is in the xxxxxxx s,xxxxxx( specific addre), home to older parents (if there are grandparents also wrote, better), have been looking forward to my home for a reunion of the festival. I have two years did not go back to exploring parenting, family are eager to copolymerization. Please leaders approved my, home visiting elders, slightly to make my filial piety. Date: year month xxxxxxxto date, a total of xxday.

  I urge the leadership approval.

  xxxx ( your name )

  xx year month day

  Please leave a


Respected school leaders (or principal x):


  I will soon get married, the wedding date in * *. It's the old man's home. I would like to take this opportunity to report to you, too. Because of the recent busy, many things have not been prepared for marriage, the parents of both sides are particularly tight, several times to call me to ask for leave to do. It is necessary for me to do the necessary preparations on the day of * * on the day of * *.

  At the end of the period, the work in the school and the class is very busy. It is embarrassing to ask you for leave. I hope you forgive you.

  Please fake: XXX


  dear mr/ms xxx;

  today im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for ive got cold last night with carlessness. this morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. so i am very sorry to be absent fromschool, especially your interesting lessons. ill be sure to make up for the missed lessons after i recover from the illness.yours ever,






  Oct. 7, 200

  Director Hu,

  A telegram has just e to hand saying that my mother is serious ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days beginning on Oct. 8. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.

  Chen Xingxing

  Encl: a telegram from my home









